Selected studies, research papers and press articles carried out by our Association:

  • Deve­lop­ment stra­te­gy for gas-fired cogeneration.
  • Pre­li­mi­na­ry due dili­gen­ce of Elek­tro­cie­płow­nia Sta­ra­cho­wi­ce Sp. z o.o. in bankruptcy.
  • Feasi­bi­li­ty stu­dy of the ANI­MEX-Szcze­cin Project.
  • Moder­ni­sa­tion of the tech­no­lo­gi­cal pro­cess at LOMANIA Sp. z o.o. thro­ugh appli­ca­tion of a co-gene­ra­tion system.
  • Feasi­bi­li­ty stu­dy for Krzy­win, con­nec­ting to gas sys­tem using LNG.
  • Asses­sment of the effi­cien­cy of using nitro­ge­no­us natu­ral gas (calo­ri­fic value of 20.2 MJ/m3 from local depo­sits) for pro­duc­tion of elec­tri­ci­ty and heat by a lar­ge indu­strial custo­mer in 2006–2010 in com­pa­ri­son with the costs of pur­cha­sing the­se media from an exter­nal supplier.
  • Com­pa­ri­son of eco­lo­gi­cal valu­es of high-metha­ne gas gro­up E (GZ-50) and nitro­ge­no­us natu­ral gas gro­up (GZ-41.5).
  • Veri­fi­ca­tion of tech­no­lo­gi­cal assump­tions with pre­li­mi­na­ry asses­sment of the ope­ra­tion of a modern bio­gas CHP plant in Skrza­tusz and valu­ation of the installation.
  • Ran­king of district heating plants, muni­ci­pal and com­mu­nal heating com­pa­nies from the point of view of the possi­bi­li­ty to build a gas coge­ne­ra­tion sys­tem or poten­tial acquisition.
  • A pre­li­mi­na­ry con­cept for the pro­ject of con­struc­ting a gas-fuel­led coge­ne­ra­tion sour­ce from the Bli­zna 5 and 11 gas wells, toge­ther with a finan­cial analysis.
  • Deve­lop­ment of an ener­gy needs question­na­ire for poten­tial custo­mers, toge­ther with a spre­ad­she­et for pre­li­mi­na­ry eco­no­mic eva­lu­ation of poten­tial inve­st­ment pro­jects in the area of coge­ne­ra­tion and gas tri­ge­ne­ra­tion, and an eco­no­mic model for com­pre­hen­si­ve eva­lu­ation of poten­tial inve­st­ment projects.
  • Ana­ly­sis of legal, tech­ni­cal and orga­ni­sa­tio­nal aspects rela­ted to the sup­ply of elec­tri­ci­ty to enti­ties loca­ted at 15 Gro­bla Stre­et in Poznań.
  • Con­cept for con­nec­tion of a gas gene­ra­tion sour­ce to a gas well, inc­lu­ding defi­ni­tion of measu­re­ment and set­tle­ment methodology.
  • Con­cept for moder­ni­sa­tion and exten­sion of ener­gy mana­ge­ment in the Water Park in Wrocław.
  • Tech­ni­cal and eco­no­mic assump­tions for the con­cept of heating the buil­dings of the Mili­ta­ry Social Con­struc­tion Asso­cia­tion “Kwa­te­ra” in Osiel­sko from a dedi­ca­ted gas boiler room.
  • Joint report for ten­der docu­men­ta­tion rela­ted to the imple­men­ta­tion of inve­st­ment pro­jects: A. Design, con­struc­tion and con­nec­tion to exter­nal networks of two gas-fired coge­ne­ra­tion units for the pro­ject enti­tled “Pro­mo­tion of the use of high-effi­cien­cy coge­ne­ra­tion thro­ugh the con­struc­tion of a heat sour­ce ope­ra­ting in high-effi­cien­cy coge­ne­ra­tion powe­red by natu­ral gas at Solec Kujaw­ski and Koro­no­wo Heating Plants”.
  • Joint report for ten­der docu­men­ta­tion rela­ted to the imple­men­ta­tion of inve­st­ment pro­jects: B. Design, con­struc­tion and con­nec­tion to exter­nal networks of three gas-fired coge­ne­ra­tion units for the pro­ject enti­tled “Pro­mo­tion of the use of high­ly effi­cient coge­ne­ra­tion thro­ugh the con­struc­tion of a heat sour­ce ope­ra­ting in high-effi­cien­cy coge­ne­ra­tion powe­red by natu­ral gas in the heat plants at Nakło n/N, Szu­bin and Oso­wa Góra”.

Stowarzyszenie Niezależnych Wytwórców Energii Skojarzonej
ul. Nowogrodzka 50 lok. 515
00-695 Warszawa

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